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Heavy Fuel Oil Generator Sets refers to a power generation device that uses heavy fuel oil as the main fuel and internal combustion engine as the driving force to drive an AC generator, converting mechanical energy into electrical energy. Combustible heavy oil, diesel or tire oil. Heavy fuel oil generator sets are mostly medium and low-speed generator sets, which have the advantages of low operating costs, high reliability, long service life, suitable for continuous operation, fast investment return, and low noise. The disadvantage is that the one-time investment is relatively large. Heavy fuel oil generator sets are the best choice for large industrial and mining enterprises and regional power stations that require continuous power supply.


Heavy fuel oil (HFO) refers to the remaining heavy oil after extracting light hydrocarbon products such as gasoline and diesel from crude oil, also known as residual fuel oil. Its characteristics are high molecular weight and high viscosity. Due to its semi fluid concentration, heavy oil must be preheated during use to enable it to burn in the engine. For more information on heavy oil.


Classification of Heavy Fuel Oil Generator Sets:

1. According to their uses, heavy fuel oil generator sets can be classified into fixed heavy fuel oil generator sets and marine heavy fuel oil generator sets. Among them, according to their usage environments, fixed heavy fuel oil generator sets can be further classified into standard heavy fuel oil generator sets and containerized heavy fuel oil generator sets;

2. According to the engine speed, heavy fuel oil generator sets can be classified into medium-speed heavy fuel oil generator sets (speed of 400-1000 r/min, four-strokes) and low-speed heavy fuel oil generator sets (speed below 400 r/min, two-strokes).


SMCC Group produces and supplies heavy fuel oil generator sets, with the engine brands including MAN, CSSC, Hyundai(HHI), Weichai, Yuchai, GDF, Daihatsu, Mak, etc. We provide you with heavy fuel oil generator sets, with a power range of 0.4MW to 22MW for medium-speed heavy fuel oil generator sets and 3.5MW to 77MW for low-speed heavy fuel oil generator sets. The unit has higher output power and excellent environmental performance, with stable operation, low maintenance and operating costs. We can provide users with fast, convenient, and high-quality services from power plant design to operation.

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