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Gas Power Station refers to an energy station that uses natural gas or other combustible gases as fuel, drives a generator with a gas internal combustion engine as the prime mover, and converts mechanical energy into electrical and thermal energy. Most of them are small and medium-sized power stations with a capacity of less than 500MW, which are economical, environmentally friendly, have low fuel costs, and are flexible in operation.

Classification of Gas Power Station:

1. According to the gas used, gas power stations can be classified into natural gas power stations, coal mine gas power stations, gas biofuel power stations, coal gas power stations, etc;

2. According to the engine speed of the generator set used, gas power stations can be classified into high-speed gas power stations (unit speed greater than 1000 r/min), medium-speed gas power stations (unit speed of 400-1000 r/min), etc.

Gas power stations provide electricity to large factories (steel, chemical, ceramics), mines, oil fields, and regions, mostly in the form of distributed energy. Distributed energy refers to a modern energy comprehensive utilization system that is distributed at the user end and provides energy supply near the load center. It achieves cascade utilization of energy through combined heat and power or combined heat, power, and cooling, and is the main form of efficient utilization of gas.

Our gas power stations are designed for various basic load, load tracking, and peak shaving schemes. The power station uses modular engine units, which can operate normally using various gas fuels even under the most severe environmental conditions. The fuels used for gas engine power stations include natural gas, coal mine gas, gas biofuels (biomass gas and biogas), coal gas, etc.

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